Welcome Home

Getting here is half the battle..

Many addicts never made it to where you are right now, so Tip #1: Having an attitude of Gratitude goes a long way.. Let us continue

Supportive Environment

Newcomers are welcomed with open arms. Our existing members are committed to providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment where newcomers can feel safe and understood. We believe in the power of community and the strength that comes from shared experiences.

Guidance and Encouragement

Newcomers can expect to receive guidance and encouragement from seasoned members who have walked the path of recovery. Our community is here to offer practical advice, emotional support, and a listening ear whenever it is needed.

Building Connections

Forming meaningful connections is a cornerstone of the recovery process. In the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous, newcomers will find opportunities to build lasting relationships with others who understand their struggles and celebrate their successes.

Tip#2:Get Numbers! Tip#3: USE THEM

..Believe where the Body goes, The Brain will follow.

Tip#4: Keep coming back

Tip#5: Be patient with yourself....Have some coffee

Newcomers are the lifeblood of the Narcotics Anonymous community. Their fresh perspectives and experiences bring new energy and hope to the fellowship. By sharing their journey, newcomers remind us all of the importance of our mission and the transformative power of recovery.

Reach Out for Support

If you are new to Narcotics Anonymous or seeking more information, we encourage you to reach out. Our community is here to support you every step of the way. Eastern Counties has meetings 7 days a week. We’ve been saving you a seat, there is no reason to feel out of place, We’re all just a bunch of family you haven’t met yet.